
daily show clips


It's sad when one of the most trustworthy media sources in our country is a fake news show. So many stories pass by without the journalistic scrutiny we have come to assume takes place. These clips are a great way to learn about current events, and are an effective manner to introduce non-political friends and family to the truth about our country's recent actions. These are dark times, but it's nice to be able to approach them with a little levity. Enjoy!

Comedy Central has restructured its site! The links will be updated as soon as possible.

  Talking Points click here
  Terror Alerts click here
  Ashcroft click here
  "News Packages" click here (must see!)
  Rice on 9/11 click here
  Koppel and Otherwise click here
  Tenet (CIA) click here
  Chalabi click here
  Rummsfeld clip 1     clip 2
  Richard Clarke clip 1     clip 2
  State of the Union click here
  WMD in Iraq clip 1 clip 2
  On the Press click here
  Sen. Joe Biden click here
  Bush v. Bush click here (must see!)
  Bill Clinton interview


andrew kling | 2003 -2004